Friday, May 11, 2012

[News] Anti-corruption website launched in Vietnam

HA NOI - The Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption yesterday launched websites to better provide people with information about the field in Viet Nam.
Poliburo member, Deputy Prime Minister and Vice Chairman of the committee Nguyen Xuan Phuc attended the launch ceremony in the capital, activating the www.phongchongthamnhung.vn, www.oscac.gov.vn and www.oscac.vn portals.
Emphasising the important role of communication in the fight against corruption, Phuc urged the portal administrators to deliver timely information on good anti-corruption procedures, protection for corruption fighters and exposure of violations.
Phuc asked ministries, sectors and agencies at central and local levels to actively contribute to the portals.
The portals, as official voices of the committee, would publish laws and policies of the Party and State. It is expected to be a bridge between the Party, State and people in making concrete efforts in fighting corruption.
According to a newly released report on governance and public administration, a proportion of Vietnamese still think that bribery is necessary to access better public services including healthcare, education, employment and land use. Petty corruption is still an everyday problem in Viet Nam.
Meanwhile, at a national meeting last March, Phuc reported that nearly 3,000 Party members had been punished for corruption during the past five years.


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